Friday, June 26, 2009

Jambon or Jamon?

As I have mentioned-I am no blogger. But I am a traveler. I just got back from the most amazing European vacation (if I may!). My husband and I went to France and Spain. I had never been to Europe before. What? And you call yourself a pastry chef-this cannot be true. But yes my dear friends-it is. Do I feel like a fraud? No, just a sneaky girl from Ohio. We spent a week in Paris, which was not enough time AT ALL. I had only just begun to find my favorites. And we didn't even have time to see any museums. We did manage to sneak in the sewer tour. Yes, the sewer does run right under you in the tour and yes it is rank. All of the outdoor markets are incredible. We went to a different one each day. Just the sight of those chickens on the rotisserie with all of those beautiful little potatoes roasting underneath makes me want to cry. The fragrance of the peaches, strawberries, apricots is so much finer than any Chanel no.5. So after Paris, we went to Barcelona. Praise be to the Iberico ham gods. If I was down to my last bill, I would spend it on Jamon Iberico. And I would probably beg for just a little bit more! The market in Barcelona is incredible, too. I loved the fact that you could eat at the little stalls in the market. And the cake on the stick-sick! I could have used way more time in Barcelona, too. Just too much to eat, too much architecture to be awed by. Then it was off to Majorca for a little paella on the beach and to see old friends. Great friends to have moved to Majorca, really. Then on to Aix-en-Provence-to the markets and mountains. I know what you are thinking-"You Jennifer are a wild European traveler. You do get around!" Go ahead, be jealous, be very, very jealous. I would be!